Black Water Axe Throwing


SC State Archivist Avery Daniel's was willing to participate in an interview to discuss how he was introduced into axe throwing. After the interview with Avery Daniels was done, our class was able to find out that Daniels has only been throwing for few years since he first started in 2022. Click here to listen                                                    

While watching Daniels throw, our class noticed he throws the axe with his right hand and the knife with his left hand. This was interesting to us, and he actually explained why he does this during his interview. This is what Daniels had to say.  Click here to listen

Lastly, I believed that Avery Daniel's biggest challenge would be having to throw with both hands. However, this is not the case. Avery explains in his interview, that his biggest challenge is actually his nerves. 

Click here to hear him explain.


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