TV Commercial/PSA Project

    For our final assignment, we were instructed to create a TV commercial or Public Service Announcement (PSA), of a topic, company or product of our choice. This project had to be produced in 30 or 60 seconds, and I chose to create a PSA about texting and driving, to raise awareness of a very common and potentially dangerous act that many teenagers and young adults are participating in without any worry or knowledge of what could possibly happen in result of these actions. 

    Many lives lost, and countless injuries in this country were due to distracted drivers. It's something that I believe isn't talked about enough. I personally am guilty of being on my phone while driving sometimes, and I don't think enough about the consequences. So, I wanted to create this PSA about not texting while driving, to shine a light on this subject to bring more attention to this for future drivers. I took the shots for this video over thanksgiving break, with the assistance of my younger brother, and I wanted to get a natural showing of the consequences of texting while driving. Displayed below:

"EndDD" or End Distracted Driving is a campaign company that is committed to reduce distracted driving accidents in America, you can click here to see in detail what this company is trying to accomplish.

In Control Crash Prevention is another company that gives safety information and driving tips to people to prevent accidents. To learn more on how to be safer on the road, you can contact them for more information at: 978-658-4144 or click the link above. 


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