Reflector Disk Project

 A collapsible bounce light reflector is an important tool in video production. Lighting on a person being recorded can vary, determining on where the video is being produced. In class, we learned about how to use a reflector disk to provide good lighting while doing a production. Me and a couple other students in class went outside and demonstrated how the light reflector provided to us is used in video production process 

Here's a photo of fellow classmate Sharlen Luke only using the sun as a light source. You can see that no other light is being reflected to her face.

Here's her again, but this time light from the sun is being reflected to her face using the bounce light reflector. Notice the improved lighting, giving her a more defined look.

Here's a wide shot of the bounce reflector, reflecting sunlight to the subject. Fellow classmate, Juan Foster is holding the reflector. He's in front and to the left to get a good angle of light towards the subject.

Here's a behind shot of the bounce reflector reflecting sunlight to Sharlene, who being recorded. The video camera would in front of Sharlene and to the right of Juan.

Here's a high and close up photo of Sharlene with the reflector in use.

If you want to learn more about a bounce reflector and how it's used, this video can inform you more about the process of using reflectors. 


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