Creative Lighting Project

In this portion of this class, we learned about the five creative lighting techniques used in video production. For this assignment, me and another classmate Sharlene Luke, took pictures of each other using these techniques: Flat Frontal Lighting, 90 degrees/Split Lighting, Butterfly/High Frontal Lighting, Rembrandt/45 degrees Lighting and "Scary Face" Lighting.

Below are the photos I took of Sharlene Luke using these five lighting techniques: 

Flat Frontal Lightning

This produces very little depth and contrast where there are equal amounts of light on the subject and background.

90 degree/Split Lighting


 I put the light to the side of Sharlene, so that it shines directly at her face. The light should be at a 90-degree angle towards the way the camera is facing, this can be on the right or left. I placed the light source behind her head to create the full split affect. I then moved the light and requested for Sharlene to move until I managed to have exactly half her face in the light and the other half in a shadow. 

Butterfly/High Frontal Lighting 

I placed the key light above and pointing down on the Sharlene's face. Creating an intense shadow under the nose and chin that looks like a butterfly, giving this light techniques name.

Rembrandt/45 Degree Lighting

I placed a main light at a 45-degree angle downward, according to Sharlene's face, as well as a 45-degree angle to the side of Sharlene. The shadow created by the nose is cast over the upper lip to the corner of the mouth, also causing a triangular highlight on the opposite cheek.

"Scary Face" Lighting

I made sure all lights were turned off and placed a dim light from an iPhone under Sharlene's face. Creating shadows all around her face except the middle and bottom. Giving her a "scary face" look.


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