My Basic Television Production Class 2022!

The Beginning of my Basic Television Production class!

The first thing we went over in this class, was about all the good techniques that a good reporter or anyone who is involved with a camera for a broadcast on TV, in front or behind the camera. My professor, Mr. Hardwood had all the equipment that we will be using this semester in the classroom for us to see, and he broke down all the important things we'd need to know when we're recording videos for this class. Our first assignment was a "30 second video introducing ourselves", and we were instructed to tell our name, hometown, major and any other way to introduce ourselves. I shot my video in front of the football stadium here at SC state, and here is the outcome of that video: 

The second part of this assignment was to edit the first video above and add background music and a super, with my name and the name of our University, SC state. This was really interesting to me because this is my first step in learning a lot with the editing videos, I actually had a hand in making. I'm very excited to learn more. With that being said this was the outcome of my remaster video:


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