
Showing posts from September, 2023

My Outlook for the New School Year

     Going into the  2023 school year , I was very anxious and excited. It's my senior year as a broadcast communications major, here at South Carolina State University. I am also a member of the school's football team, and this will be my last year playing at this University. I've enjoyed my time here and have had many great experiences, and I have gained a lot of knowledge in the field that I inspire to be in someday.      I've learned a lot from the very qualified and informative professors in Turner Hall...... This is the Universities main Communications building.  *Click  here  to listen to the audio version of this post*      I have always been a big fan of sports, all sports, especially football. Growing up i played multiple sports and loved every bit of it. I also loved watching sports and talking about it. Almost anything involving sports, I was all for it. So, coming out of high school when I had the chance to come to SC State on a football scholarship. It was